
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Late Victorian Period

The Late Victorian Period dates from the 1880s to 1901. In this time dresses change drastically. The princess cut dress replaces silhouettes of the past. The princess cut dress had no waist seam and was a long looking bodice around mid thigh. Sometimes longer. These dresses also had long trains.

This dress really required a steady and skillful hand. Many times due to lack of skills by the tailor and or designer pieces were added along the bottom and around the dress to cover up the mistakes made. This dress looked best on a tall thin woman so this style only lasted a few short years.

In 1883 the bustle returns!  This time the bustle had a very different look to them. The rear of the dress was essentially a shelf.  A few years later heavy corsetting becomes the ultimate glamour. The dress sleeves are still tight and form fitting.

By the 1890s the Victorian Dress becomes similar to a power suit in today's world. The bodice was a tight form fitting jacket. Sleeves do begin to develop more. This time in fashion women begin to show "masculine" strength in clothing.

courtesy of

During the 1890s dresses become more of an S shape silhouette. Skirts become wider. Corsets are less extreme and bustles begin to diminish. This takes us into the Edwardian period.  Which we will talk about tomorrow.

*all photos are courtesy of

Monday, June 28, 2010

Late Mid Victorian Period

Again the Mid Victorian Period is from the late 1850s to the 1880s. In this segment we are going to talk about the years of 1866 to 1880.  By the 1870s the bustle was being worn towards the back of the dress. Elaborate petticoats with pleats, folds and tiers were needed to make the skirt look as full as possible. With heavy draping and tape being used to hold the top layer and bustle into place. Wow could you only imagine the weight of the garment with no air conditioning!

Day dresses also were such dresses as walking dresses. These dresses had high necklines that were either closed, squared, or V-shaped. Sleeves of day dresses were narrow throughout the period, with a tendency to flare slightly at the wrist early on. Women often draped over skirts to produce an apron like effect from the front.

Evening dresses had low necklines and very short, off-the-shoulder sleeves, and were worn with short (later mid-length) gloves. Other characteristic fashions included a velvet ribbon tied high around the neck and trailing behind for evening (the origin of the modern choker necklace).

Anti-fashionist and non-supporters of such fashion like the bustle preferred what is commonly known as the tea dress.

Leisure dress was becoming an important part of a women's wardrobe. Seaside dress in England had its own distinct characteristics but still followed the regular fashions of the day. Seaside dress was seen as more daring, frivolous, eccentric, and brighter. Even though the bustle was extremely cumbersome, it was still a part of seaside fashion.

photos courtesy of

Hair was pulled back at the sides and worn in a high knot or cluster of ringlets, often with a fringe (bangs) over the forehead. False hair was commonly used. Bonnets were smaller to allow for the elaborately piled hairstyles and resembled hats except for their ribbons tied under the chin. Smallish hats, some with veils, were perched on top of the head, and brimmed straw hats were worn for outdoor wear in summer.

photos courtesy of
some text and most information from

Friday, June 25, 2010

Early Mid Victorian Fashion

Mid Victorian Fashion Dates from the late 1850s to 1880s. We are discussing the early Mid years from 1857 to 1865. Fashion changes drastically during the Mid Victorian period so I have broken it down into two segments. This way we will get to view more beautiful photos!

courtesy of

In the Early-Mid Period dresses became more and more daring in their pattern and color. During these years women wore both dark and light shades of color such as silvery grays, lavender and magenta. These are just a few among the many popular colors worn. We also find plaids in women's wear begin to emerge.

 Popular fabrics included: silk, taffeta, cashmere, muslin, tulle, mink, seal, beaver and countless other fabrics.

               (left) courtesy of                    
(right) courtesy of

Corsets with lacing in the back are introduced. The steel cage crinoline was introduced in 1856. On top a petticoat was worn with an elaborate design at the hem.

courtesy of

Skirts were made fuller by using more tiers which are commonly known as flounce.  Hooks and eyes are now introduced into fashion. 

Dresses for day typically had what is called a Fan Front. Which has a typical tight narrow waist. A wider bell shape sleeve does starts to appear toward the early 1860s.

courtesy of

Evening dresses were very low-necked, falling off the shoulders, and had short sleeves.

courtesy of

In the Mid Victorian period we start to see white gloves and colored hosiery. The Indian Shaw becomes another fashionable garment. Hair styles become much simpler. It becomes a simple part down the middle with a bun or braid in the back.  Earrings go from simple dangles to tassel-like in form.

courtesy of

Tomorrow we will discuss dresses from the Late-Mid Victorian period and the bustle.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Early Victorian Fashion

photo courtesy of

 Early Victorian fashion dates from 1837 to late 1856. In this time women's fashion was very modest.

Dresses from this period include:
Narrow shoulders and bodice.
Very small waists.
Exceptionally full skirts in the hip.
Hoops needed to support the petticoats and fullness of the skirt.
Long skirts completely covering the body.

The goal of dresses from this time period were to give the appearance of a weak and dainty upper body with extremely full hips and large lower body.

photo courtesy of

Deep set bonnets were worn to hide the face and neck of the wearer. Mostly commonly  the face of the wearer was only seen when they looked directly at you.

courtesy of

Evening gowns covered literally every bit of skin minus the face. This is also the first period in time we see protesters against wearing such garments. The protesters were fighting against the health issues the came from wearing such restrictive garments.

Towards the end of Early Victorian fashion going into Mid Victorian fashion fullness of skirts begin to look asymmetrical and full in the back which is commonly referred to as bustle or bustling. Geometric shapes and stripes become more popular in garments.

Popular accessories worn  or used in this period were necklaces, wraps, shawls and parasols. During the early Victorian period earrings went from flat and round to short dangle style.

 Neck ribbons were popular and usually had a cameo place in the front of the neck. Under sleeves were similar to today's layering. It was a shirt that had sleeves that extended out past the dress being worn.

We can't forget the best part! Here are some examples of Early Victorian Handbags and shoes. The handbag is a silver mesh handbag. Many mesh handbags were made of actual gun metal.

 In this period of fashion history we meet the first couture designer. Charles Frederick Worth is the first real fashion designer. Not to be confused with a tailor. Meaning:  he designed gowns from his own inspiration and not from his client telling him how to fit a garment for their needs.

Victorian Era Clothing

This week we will be discussing Victorian Fashion. To understand fashion and its evolving and revolving phases you must start with the original trendsetter in women's fashion.  Victorian fashion was one of longest lasting periods in the fashion timeline. The Victorian period was from 1837 to 1901. These are also the years Queen Victoria held her position.

Victorian fashion was actually modeled after Queen Victoria and her reign. Hence, Victorian Fashion. Before Queen Victoria  women's fashion was considered unimportant. In fact, men's fashion was considered more important than a women's garb. In pre-Victorian fashion men dressed to reflect their status and positions in society. If a woman dressed to reflect a status it was considered taboo. In fact it was just plain NOT done.

It all changed when Queen Victoria came into her position. She was a woman of power. More importantly she was a woman. Very quickly society reconsidered it's view on status and dress. It soon became more important to show a man's status and position by how his wife was dressed. A well dressed and poised wife was considered the key to a mans success. Or at least visually to the public eye.

Queen Victoria was a trendsetter in a huge way! Women's fashion really didn't exist before her. Yes women got dressed before this but; not to impress. Not to make a statement and surely not to gain attention. There are different phases within this timeline known as Early Victorian, Mid Victorian and Late Victorian.

We will be discussing the key changes and style markers in each Victorian phase thru the remainder of this week. Have something to add? We'd love to hear from you.

Photos courtesy of wikipedia.

What is the difference between Era and Period?

Vintage fashion is referred by which era or period a garment may come from. When someone says, "1950s" or "1970s" you are referring to an Era. The decade. In fashion, it is actually divided by periods. A period of time in which is distinctive characters specific those years.   

Fashion is broken up into periods by these dates:
 Pre-1901 Victorian
1901-1919 Edwardian
1920-1938 Depression
1939-1946 WWII
1947-1964 The New Look
1965-1976 Mod, Hippie, Disco
1977-1989 Punk, New Wave
1990-unspecified - Bondage, Goth

So many people sling the phrase around, "1950s dress" when actually you are referring to a period of time from 1947 to 1964 where poodle skirts and circle skirts were worn. Beaded cardigans and saddle shoes were hot. This period is defined by specific garments in an era.

Here is a visual example. Both dresses were produced in the 1960s. The party dress on the left dates from 1960 to 1964 but; is referred to as a "1950s dress" because of the period it defines. It is a characteristic of this time in fashion. The dress on the right is mid to late 1960s. It is defined loosely as "1960s" because of the period in fashion it comes from. As you see above in the fashion timeline the dress on the left is a classic "New Look" dress and the one on the left is a classic "Mod" style dress.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!


Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies and Grand Daddies! In the spirit of Dad and our vintage theme let's review what our Fathers have worn the past few decades! Oh the 1930s and 1940s were so debonair! I just love these classic men's suits shown above.

Here are some "classic" looks. The left was dad during summer in early 1960s. The photo on the right was dad in the early 1970s.

Dad evolved drastically during the 1970s and 1980s. The left shows Dad in the late 1970s. The right is dad in the mid 1980s. What happened? I tell ya what happened. Color! And lots of it!

Check out these fancy looks from early 1990s to mid 1990s dad came along way in a few short years!

Here is 2000s dad! WHEW! A lot less embarrassing to be seen with I am sure. But remember this; how is it considered funny or weird when the rest of America dressed that way? Just imagine in another 50 years what dad will and will not have had in his closet? You yourself could be looking at photos and thinking, "What was I wearing?" Don't think so? We'll see!

Let's not blame dad for getting lost along the way in fashion ohhh let's say, from late 1960s  to the early 1990s. I am sure it was mom that picked it out anyway.

If you wanna see all of Dad's looks over the decades check out the History of Men's Style 1933 - 2008 at:

All photos shown above are courtesy of Esquire. View them in the pictorial linked above.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Headband Junkie!

Picture courtesy of

If you knew me, you would know I am a headband junkie! I am always on the search for the most comfortable and stylish headbands I can find. I probably have them in just about every color to match all of my outfits. I wear them with dresses, dress shorts, jeans and even on my way to and from the gym! They are the best way to dress up even the most casual outfit. My favorite thing about a headband is they can make any ponytail look amazing. Not to mention help get your locks pulled out of your face for date night.

I was searching the internet today trying to find some new favorite headbands to add to my collection. I found a truly talented artist on Etsy. The artists link is I just loved the selection in each category. I was so excited to see a Vintage Inspired Headband section! WOO HOO!

Even though the theme here is vintage.  I just had to show pics of these modern style headbands that I just loved. Also by the same designer as above. I do have to say it's not fair we can't all  have the models gorgeous hair and complexion to show off the hair accessories as well as she does! You go girl!